이지오 (Jie-Oh Lee)
Professor, Department of Life Sciences, POSTECH
Director, Institute of Membrane Proteins
President, Korea Society for Structural Biology
e-mail: jieoh@postech.ac.kr
tel: +82-54-279-2323
lab: Institute of Membrane proteins, 213호
1983-1987 B.S. Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University
1987-1989 M.S. Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University
1990-1995 Ph.D. Department of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, Harvard University
1996-2000 Postdoc Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute
2000-2001 Assistant Professor University of Maryland Baltimore County
2001-2004 Assistant Professor Department of Chemistry, KAIST
2004-2008 Associate Professor Department of Chemistry, KAIST
2008-2019 Professor, Department of Chemistry, KAIST
2019- Professor, Department of Life Sciences, POSTECH